Why is my Sale Kit not showing up?

Why is my Sale Kit not showing up?

There are various reasons why Sale Kit is not showing up or showing incorrectly on a store. In most cases, please try to open your store in Incognito browser to check.

Otherwise, please read these cases and check the following solutions for each feature.

Sales Pop

You have no recent orders in last 30 days

Sales pop will find 50 most recent orders in your Shopify Orders list in last 60 days or 30 days (depend on how you set on Lookback days setting). 

You do not enable the option "Import any order status"

If you do NOT enable the option Import any order status, then Sale Pop will only import the "Open" orders. It will limit the amount of orders that can be imported. You need to enable this option to make Sale Pop import all orders including archived, closed, and cancelled orders.

NOTE: The app will sync the order data once every hour.
Therefore, your order data may not be updated in Sale Pop immediately after you enable this option. You should wait about one hour then check again.

Time settings

You may set the Time between each popup too long, or limit the Number of popup per page so you've already met the limit.
In most cases, please try to open your store in Incognito mode (it'll erase all data & cookies) to view Sale Kit.

You've clicked on Close button

If you clicked on the "X" button to close a sale popup, the next popup won't appear in 1 hour.
This is to prevent annoying customers who aren't interested.

If you want to remove this settings and show sales pop back immediately, you can open Incognito browser, or follow these steps to clear your local storage:
  1. Open developer tool by pressing F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+I)
  2. Go to Application tab
  3. In the Storage section expand Local Storage.
  4. Click on your store domain, then you'll see your browser's local storage
  5. In Filter box, type "Salespop"
  6. You'll find a key named "qskSalekitSalespop" → right click and click "Delete" to remove it

  7. Refresh your store → Sales pop should show up again

If you've tried everything but Sales pop still don't appear, contact us for help.

Visitor Count

Time settings

You may set the Reopen time too long, for example: 30 minutes - then you'll have to wait for next 30 minutes to see it again.
In most cases, please try to open your store in Incognito mode (it'll erase all data & cookies) to view Sale Kit.

In case you want to remove this settings and show visitor count immediately, please follow these steps to clear your local storage:
  1. Open developer tool by pressing F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+I)
  2. Go to Application tab
  3. In the Storage section expand Local Storage
  4. Click on your store domain, then you'll see your browser's local storage
  5. In Filter box, type "vcount"
  6. You'll find a key named "qskSalekitVcount" → right click and click "Delete" to remove it

  7. Refresh your store → Visitor count should show up again
InfoIf you've tried everything but Visitor count still don't appear, contact us for help.

Sold Count

Hide popup if {NUMBER} less than

If you set this option too high, for example: 50, then Sold count won't show up if you only have less than that base number, for example: 49 orders last {Look back time}.
Recommend to set this option from  1 - 10.

Time settings

You may set the Reopen time too long, for example: 30 minutes - then you'll have to wait for next 30 minutes to see it again.
In most cases, please try to open your store in Incognito mode (it'll erase all data & cookies) to view Sale Kit.

In case you want to remove this settings and show sold count immediately, please follow these steps to clear your local storage:
  1. Open developer tool by pressing F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+I)
  2. Go to Application tab
  3. In the Storage section expand Local Storage
  4. Click on your store domain, then you'll see your browser's local storage
  5. In Filter box, type "scount"
  6. You'll find a key named "qskSalekitScount" → right click and click "Delete" to remove it

  7. Refresh your store → Sold count should show up again
InfoIf you've tried everything but Sold count still don't appear, contact us for help.

Promotion Bar

You set a Schedule display

Please check your Schedule display (in Settings tab) option to see if your current time matches the schedule time or not.
Note that the schedule time is set in UTC +0 time.

You filter the Display on page

Please check your Display on page (in Settings tab) option to see if you're setting some special pages to show promo bar.
Note that it might have differences between http and https.

You have not set Priority order

If some bars have the same display settings, it'll cover each other. You might have to close the bar on the front to be able to see the bar underneath.
You can change the priority order in Settings > Priority order.

You've clicked on Close button or already subscribed

If you clicked on the "X" button to close a bar, or already submit your email to subscribe via a bar, this bar won't appear in 1 hour.
This is to prevent annoying customers.

In case you want to show the bar again, you can open Incognito mode, or follow these steps to clear your local storage:
  1. Open developer tool by pressing F12 (or Ctrl+Shift+I)
  2. Go to Application tab
  3. In the Storage section expand Cookies
  4. Click on your store domain, then you'll see your browser's cookies.
  5. In Filter box, type "PromoBar"
  6. You'll find a key named "qskPromoBarClosed" → right click and click "Delete" to remove it

  7. Refresh your store → Promo bar should show up again.
InfoIf you've tried everything but Promotion Bar still don't appear, contact us for help.

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