List Shopify themes integration

List Shopify themes integration

This is a list of most popular Shopify themes and how Smart Menu works with it. 
Press Ctrl+F and type your theme name to search. 

- There might still be some problems depending on theme version or in-use apps. Please contact us to resolve.
- If your theme is not in the list, it does NOT mean Smart Menu is incompatible with it. Please contact us if there's any issues.

✔ = fully compatible  |  Δ = work on some cases  |  ✘ = incompatible

Menu type
Horizontal menu
Horizontal menu
Only can work by CSS selector method.

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
Theme changes horizontal menu to sidebar if menu is too long. Should have less than 6-7 menu items. (contact us to help you remove this limitation)
Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
To show SM in sidebar, select mobile menu.
On mobile, Smart Menu can't replace horizontal menu.

Vertical menu

Fullscreen vertical menu

Horizontal menu
Smart Menu pushes logo to a bit left to have more space for menu. Still, theme will change horizontal menu to sidebar if menu is too long. Should have less than 4-5 menu items. (contact us to help you remove this limitation)

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Vertical menu
Horizontal menu + 
Condensed menu
Only work with Horizontal menu. In theme settings, please choose menu as Inline, not Condensed.

Horizontal menu + 
Slide bar
Should change navigation style in theme settings to Center.
On can replace mobile menu if using CSS selector method.

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, must remove Main menu in Header > Quick links

Horizontal menu
Cannot work if theme's using logo center, menu split → change Logo position to "Logo center, menu below".
In theme settings, should remove menu on toolbar.

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
Should change navigation style in theme settings to Center

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should remove main menu in Top bar

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, must set navigation style as "Full horizontal", not "Slideout vertical"

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
Only can work best when choose Menu alignment as "Underneath" in theme's settings.

Horizontal menu
Remember to add submenu background color in app

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should set Logo position: inline and Alignment: left.
If logo is set above navigation, should use CSS selector method

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should not choose Mobile navigation style on desktop

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should choose Navigation layout as Standard
Horizontal menu + Sidebar
Can only replace horizontal menu, not work with Drawer menu (sidebar)

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
In theme settings, should choose Desktop menu style as Classic

Horizontal menu

Vertical menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
Can only replace horizontal menu, can't show up on mobile

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Sidebar menu
Can only show as mobile menu in sidebar

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should remove Main menu in Top bar

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should remove Main menu in Sidebar

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should change logo position to left

Horizontal menu

Vertical menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
Need to change navigation type in theme settings to Horizontal menu, not Minimal top.
Should use CSS selector method.

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
Should keep menu short, have less than 6-7 menus

Horizontal menu
If menu is too long, theme turns to sidebar menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
In theme settings, should choose layout Logo to the left to use H
Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
Must use CSS selector method. 
In theme settings, must uncheck the "Show on mobile" of horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
In theme settings, should change Navigation mode to Horizontal
Vertical menu + Sidebar menu
If theme uses Compact header → only select mobile menu, leave "Select your main menu" blank

Horizontal menu
If menu is too long, theme turns to sidebar menu
Sidebar menu
Only work as mobile menu. Need to select mobile menu.

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
In theme settings, should choose Navigation layout as Expanded

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
Must use CSS selector method.
To replace horizontal menu, use CSS Selector of your menu. To replace sidebar, use CSS Selector of your mobile menu
Sidebar menu
Only work as mobile menu in sidebar

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu + Sidebar menu
If theme uses Compact menu → only select mobile menu, leave "Select your main menu" blank
Horizontal menu
Can't replace mobile menu

Horizontal menu

Horizontal menu
Should use CSS selector method

Horizontal menu
Must use CSS selector method

Horizontal menu
Should use CSS selector method

Horizontal menu
Should use CSS selector method

Horizontal menu
Must use CSS selector method
Horizontal menu
In theme settings → Performance → need to uncheck "Use Turbolinks" option

Your theme is not listed? Ask us to check it for you!

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