Up-sell/Cross-sell offers

Up-sell/Cross-sell offers

Offer title

You can set the title for your offer to distinguish with other campaign easily

Trigger button

Your cross-sell/up-sell can be triggered through the Add to cart button or the Checkout (Buy Now) button.

With Cross-sell offer, there will be an extra option: Thank you page. For more information, you can read this article.

Up-sell/Cross-sell product

Here you will choose the product you want to make up-sell/cross-sell.
You can search the product or browse the products from list. Only one product can be selected.

You also can apply directly discount for the up-sell/cross-sell product.

Trigger product

You will need to select the product you want to trigger our up-sell/cross-sell popup.
  1. All: all products will trigger the offer popup.
  1. Specific products: select specific products you want to trigger the offer popup (multiple select)
  1. Specific collections: all products in the selected collections will trigger the offer popup

Advanced Settings


You can create multiple upsell/cross-sell offers. Therefore, you need to set the priority to decide which offer will be displayed.
Offer with higher number of priority will be displayed in higher order.

Limit quantity for discounted offer per order

You can set the maximum quantity for discounted upsell/cross-sell product per order. If this quantity is reached, cross sell product will be purchased at normal price.
Example: You set the max quantity as 3. If the customer adds 5 discounted products, then there will be 3 discounted products and 2 normal products.

Display for products in a specific price range

Offer popup will only show when a product within this price range is added to cart

Badge setting

Here you can set up the badge for your offer item